North Bucks Beekeepers' Association -

Honey show 2010 results

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Lady Chesham Challenge CupHighest overall points total in show - Ed Reney

Stoke Road Apiary Shield Second highest overall points total in show - Sue Bird

Clara Furness Award - Highest points total for wax and mead, classes 12 to 15 and 19 to 21 - Libby Culshaw

Albert Toms Shield - highest points total in the open honey classes excluding any class for which a specific award is made. This year this shield is for classes 1 to 8 - Sue Bird

BW Apiary Cup - winner of class 9, six jars as for sale - Ed Reney

Mini cup - winner of class 16, fruit cake - Libby Culshaw

Arthur Foreman Cup - highest total points in novice classes - Cynthia Smith

BBKA Blue Ribbon / certificate of merit - best exhibit in the show - Ed Reney (for his entry in Class 9)

Results per class


Class 1. Two matching 1lb jars of light honey

  • 1st Sue Bird
  • 2nd Andrew Beer
  • 3rd Ed Reney

2. Two matching 1lb jars of medium honey

  • 1st Sue Bird
  • 2nd Ed Reney

3. Two matching 1lb jars of dark honey

  • 1st Sue Bird
  • 2nd Sue Lang

4. Two matching 1lb jars of crystallised honey of any type (incorporates naturally crystallised, soft set and creamed honey)

  • 1st Ed Reney
  • 2nd Nicola Smith
  • 3rd Libby Culshaw

5. Two matching jars of honey not as in classes 1 to 4. (eg. chunk, ling, jar variations, etc.)

  • 1st Sue Bird

6 One piece cut comb, gross weight 200-255g (7-9oz), in container with transparent lid

  • No entries

7. One standard comb of honey showing the work of the bees. In bee-proof show case (note: combs may have crystallised honey in them without penalty)

  • 1st Sue Lang

8. Gift, One 1lb jar of honey of any type. (Donated after the show to Willen Hospice)

  • 1st Ed Reney
  • 2nd Cynthia Smith
  • 3rd Sue Bird
  • VHC Nicola Smith
  • HC Andrew Beer
  • C Libby Culshaw

9. Six matching 1lb jars of honey presented labelled as for legal sale under current rules

  • 1st Ed Reney
  • 2nd Sue Bird
  • 3rd Chris Becque

10 One section of honey, round or square

  • No entries

11. One 1lb jar of honey, the jar painted black

  • 1st Ed Reney
  • 2nd Carole Hammelev
  • 3rd Chris Jay
  • VHC Cynthia Smith
  • HC Libby Culshaw

12. One cake of beeswax, 200g to 255g (7 to 9 oz approx)

  • 2nd Sue Lang

13. (Not used this year)

14. Six matching cakes of beeswax. (total weight within 160 to 180g)

  • 2nd Libby Culshaw

15. Three matching beeswax candles made by any method, displayed erect, ready to burn

  • No award made

16. One honey fruit cake, as per recipe provided

  • 1st Libby Culshaw
  • 2nd Carole Hammelev
  • 3rd Cynthia Smith
  • VHC Sue Lang

17. One plain honey cake, as per recipe provided

  • 1st Chris Jay
  • 2nd Elizabeth Beer
  • 3rd Cynthia Smith

18. Honey fudge as per recipe provided, eight square pieces on a plate

  • 1st Chris Jay
  • 2nd Libby Culshaw
  • 3rd Cynthia Smith

19. One bottle dry mead

  • 1st Nicola Smith

20. One bottle sweet mead

  • 2nd Libby Culshaw

21. One bottle Honey Wine, label stating main ingredients apart from honey

  • No entries

22. One item made or produced by the exhibitor, relevant to beekeeping either by its uses or subject, or by being made using beehive produce. Could include, for example, cookery or preserves, skeps, inventions, paintings, cosmetics, needlework, woodwork, photography, or even a sales display. Excludes items covered by classes 1-21 and 22a.

  • 1st Libby Culshaw
  • 2nd Sue Lang

22a. A skep, made by the exhibitor

  • 1st Bob Sibley
  • 2nd Chris Jay
  • 3rd Libby Culshaw
Novice classes

23. Two 1lb jars of clear honey, of any colour but matching

  • 1st Cynthia Smith
  • 2nd Chris Becque
  • 3rd Ray Mitchener
  • VHC Carole Hammelev

24. Two 1lb jars of crystallised honey, of any type but matching

  • No entries

24. One cake of beeswax, between 110g and 170g (4 to 6 oz.)

  • 1st Cynthia Smith
  • 3rd Daniel Clarke

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