North Bucks Beekeepers' Association -


Login using your British Beekeepers' Association membership number and your password, which starts off as your surname. Naturally only North Bucks BKA members are enrolled on this site.

N.B. you can now log in with your email address instead of your membership number, but only if:

  • you're a new member without an membership ID and no other member (e.g. spouse) shares your email address & password, or
  • your password is not part of your email address (so if your email is and you've not changed your password from its default of smith, you must use your membership number)

Your membership number is found on your BBKA membership card:

Membership card

BBKA membership number or email address: e.g. 12.34.567 or
Password:   By default this is your surname e.g. Jones
Remember me for 90 days with a cookie: This will keep you logged in for 90 days and will set a persistent cookie. Do not use this on a public/shared computer. You consent to the cookie by ticking this option.