North Bucks Beekeepers' Association -


Step 1 of 6 --- Application Process

Use this application to join our club. Supply your details, we'll tell you how to pay, then send us the memership fee, and we'll enrol you.

Data Protection

Read this, it's not the usual yada yada.

You're about to send us your personal data. We'll store and process it, and we'll pass it on to agencies like British Beekeepers Association, Bucks County BKA, Bee Disease Insurance. This is so that they can provide you with the membership benefits for which you pay. The legal basis of this is contractual.

We will send you automated emails as the progress of your application moves onwards. Once joined, you can optionally give consent to receive newsletters, event emails, etc.

Please read our privacy policy and view our data flow chart which explains this in more detail.

Part Year's Subscription

Our membership year runs from April to March. You'll see all the details in our Constitution as part of the application.

Following the ledger periods of BBKA and in accordance with part 10.5 (b) (ii) of the BBKA Constitution, our NBBKA membership renewal year is split into two seasons, Spring and Autumn. We make two capitation payments to BBKA per calendar year.

If you join NBBKA in the period from April to August, your captiation will be included in the Autumn ledger, and you will need to renew next Spring (March). Such members' first subscription comprises only part of a year's membership. The vast majority of your subscription fee is a set of disbursements, paid to BBKA, BCBKA and BDI, leaving NBBKA (us) with just a few pounds or even pence (depending on membership class). Because those organisations do not pro-rate your membership for a part year, we also cannot pro-rate your first subscription.

If however you join in the period from September to March, your captiation will be included in the Spring ledger, and you will need to renew and of the following Spring. Such members' first subscription comprises greater than a year's membership.